Tin worked at the SADA lab in the academic year 2021/2022 while on a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship (ESKAS). He completed his Ph.D. from the University of Zagreb, Croatia in 2022 where he is now a Post-doctoral researcher.

Within the scholarship program, my research focused on solving wave-based inverse problems with a help of implicit neural representations.

I received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering and information technology from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, in 2015 and 2017, respectively, where I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in electrical engineering, expecting to graduate in 2022.


You can contact me via email at tin.vlasic at fer.hr 

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Research interests

My research interests are in the field of image and signal processing, specializing in particular on inverse problems, sparse modeling, and sampling theory.

Selected papers